Bookish Facts About Me Tag Post

Sunday, March 06, 2016

A post that I've seen floating around various different book blogs and Youtube channels lately is the 'Bookish Facts About Me' tag. Essentially, I'll share with you some random, reading-related facts that you might find interesting or surprising. I thought that this was a great way to share my love of books and talk about some things that I don't often get the chance to, as well as allowing my readers to learn more about me. I'd also love to hear some facts about you, so I encourage you to leave some bookish facts about yourself down in the comments, or maybe even link me to your own blog post!
  1. My favourite place to read is in bed and I do the majority of my reading before I go to sleep. 
  2. However, if I'm thoroughly enjoying a book, I will read it at any available moment.
  3. I tend to read the most books in a short space of time when I'm on holiday, and I usually take six fairly large books with me when going on holiday for 3 weeks, yet I inevitably finish them all before the end of the holiday.
  4. One of my favourite moments was meeting Cassandra Clare and Holly Black when I attended the Iron Trial signing back in 2014. I got two books signed, listened as they answered questions in a live Q&A session and simply had an overall amazing evening.
  5. My favourite genres to read are fantasy and science fiction, but I've recently been branching out and trying some contemporary novels too, which I've actually been enjoying.
  6. I go through phases of reading lots of books and barely reading at all, but even then I still probably read more books than the average person.
  7. I love reading and reviewing unknown or underrated books as I feel like it helps people to discover new titles and support some lesser known authors. Plus, there are some real hidden gems out there and I hope that I can help people find them.
  8. I'm usually quite bad when it comes to predicting plot twists and even the most obvious of reveals will leave me surprised, but the books that have left me the most shocked are probably City of Bones by Cassandra Clare and Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick.
  9. I can never find the time to re-read any books, despite wanting to experience them again, as I enjoy trying new titles and discovering new authors.
  10. There are many mainstream books that I haven't read, such as the Harry Potter books, Catching Fire and Mockingjay from the Hunger Games trilogy and many more.
  11. I've always loved reading and, ever since I was little, books have been a huge passion of mine
  12. My favourite book-related posts to write are reviews, as I love exploring the books in more detail and analysing them. I also feel as though they really help people to make the decision of whether they want to read something or not and it's great to know that your opinion is influential.
  13. I'm really bad at completing book series', and quite often I'll really want to know what happens next in a story arc but never find the time to read the sequels.
  14. The longest book I've ever read is City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare, which is 733 pages long. However, it was definitely worth reading and I enjoyed every moment of it, especially since it was the perfect way to conclude the Mortal Instruments series.
  15. When I was a pre-teen, most of the books that I read were contemporary, despite rarely picking up that genre now. Some of my favourites included those from Jacqueline Wilson and Cathy Cassidy.
  16. It was the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer that got me into reading YA novels and this is still one of my favourite series to date, as I both love the concept of it and appreciate how it opened me up to so many other amazing books.
  17. When I was younger, I used to make lots of bookmarks for myself and my family like a mini-business.
  18. I'm always on the hunt for bargains when it comes to books, with my best discovery being a brand new hardcover version of Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick for only £1 instead of £10.
  19. When I was a child, I obsessively read Enid Blyton's books and they were definitely my favourite stories to read, especially the Secret Seven, the Naughtiest Girl and Malory Towers.
  20. Most of the books that I read are from the library, as it allows me to get free novels and it means that I can try out titles that I wouldn't have otherwise read.
I hope you enjoyed hearing these facts about me and remember that I'd love to hear some of yours! Thanks for reading this post and I really hope that you enjoyed it. I'll be back next week with a new one, so I'll see you then!

Love from Daisy x

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